tags:MIPsroplearning_resource original link: ROPing Routers From Scratch: Step-By-Step TEnda Ac8v4 MIPs 0day Flow-Control ROP RCE newsletter link: exploits.club Weekly Newsletter 25

Exploits Club Summary:

We think @retr0reg summed up all of our thoughts nicely at the start of this post with the following line: “Not sure why but I am always obsessed with assemblies, caller stacks, and glibc heaps and kinds of stuff.” The write-up takes a previous bug @retr0reg found and walks through the process for writing an exploit for it. The post discusses testing environment set-up before writing a ROP chain on a MIPs device. Whether you are interested in getting up to speed on MIPs specifically or writing real-world exploits for 1-days, this is a great primer.